Protect your enterprise

Vulnerability Management

Comprehensive defense against adversaries

Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability management is the process of classifying and remediating critical flaws which may lead to disastrous situations at your infrastructure, if left unchecked.

Vulnerability management is integral to computer and network security. Remediation involves deployment of solutions which scan resources which can spot errors in software configuration, susceptible to be manipulated by hackers or sophisticated malware.

Why is this solution relevant and important to an enterprise?

Understanding security risk on a global enterprise network is essential to comprehensive IT risk management and creating confidence in your security program. However, the high rate of changes on enterprise networks, constantly changing threat environment, and increased focus on internal and regulatory compliance have made this task increasingly difficult. Accurate identification of vulnerabilities and effective prioritization is the only answer to effectively dealing with challenges. In a challenging world with thousands of new vulnerabilities reported annually, the sheer volume of launched attacks demands best-in-class enterprise vulnerability management solutions to provide comprehensive discovery and management of critical vulnerabilities in support of the IT security lifecycle. Up-to-date vulnerability management is critical, as the time between vulnerability discovery and the release of an exploit is, in some cases, narrowing to zero. Furthermore, evolving technology constantly increases attack vectors into the enterprise, increasing the number of vulnerabilities and demands patches across the entire network on a continuous basis.

What benefits will the enterprise derive by implementing the solution?

An enterprise vulnerability management solution should intelligently discover all endpoints and networked assets, and apply advanced analytics to spot vulnerabilities in a meaningful framework – flagging the greatest risks so security teams can make quick, informed, quality decisions within a rapidly changing threat landscape. It should discover extensive wealth of data about the critical systems that reside on your network, and prioritize remediation tasks, enabling users to focus on their work rather than being boggled down by disruptions in the normal functioning of the enterprise. This profiling and prioritization enables security teams to best use their valuable resources to reduce their highest of risks in no matter of time. Reports could be generated and made available for all audiences, from technically-focused users to executives who are less familiar with technical jargons, enabling smoothened functioning of the organisation.

Who does Cyberton represent to provision this technology?

Cyberton recommends PTSecurity’s  MaxPatrol vulnerability management solutions to meet customer requirements.

Positive Technologies is a leading global provider of enterprise security solutions for vulnerability and compliance management, incident and threat analysis, and application protection. Commitment to clients and research has earned Positive Technologies a reputation as one of the foremost authorities on Industrial Control System, Banking, Telecom, Web Application, and ERP security, supported by recognition from the analyst community.

State-of-the-art solutions are developed at Positive Research, the company’s flagship research centre and one of the largest in Europe. Positive Research experts have helped to identify and fix over 250 zero-day vulnerabilities in products from Cisco, Google, Honeywell, Huawei, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Schneider Electric, Siemens, and others, earning a reputation for world-class expertise in protection of devices and infrastructures at all scales from ATMs to nuclear power stations.

Findings by Positive Research are used for updating the MaxPatrol knowledge base and for development of security solutions including PT Application Firewall,PT Application Inspector, MaxPatrol Vulnerability and Compliance Management Solution,PT ISIM, PT MultiScanner and SS7 Attack Discovery. These products allow securing web applications, evaluating network protection, blocking attacks in real time, ensuring compliance with industry and national standards, and training security specialists.In 2015 and in 2016, the company was rated a Visionary in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Web Application Firewalls (WAF).